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Ute u. Martin Grüner    25 September 2008 12:53 | Bonn
Hallo Malaika,

wir sind bestürzt von der Nachricht, dass Ihre Praxis verwüstet worden ist und können nicht fassen, dass gerade Ihnen so etwas angetan wird.
Lassen Sie sich nicht unterkriegen. Gott sei Dank ist wenigstens Ihre Doktorarbeit gerettet. Wir halten alle Daumen, dass Sie in Prag erfolgreich sind.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ihre Ute und Martin Grüner aus Bonn

Mary Ann+ Greg Pool    25 September 2008 14:34 | South-Carolina
Malaika, Mary Ann and I are outraged over what you are experiencing right now. This is such an evil world and do you think this is directed at you or just a random act. Any evidence to support gang activity or an intentional act by a competitor? Either way, you must be terribly distraught and we ache for you. Are their investigative efforts underway? You, physically, are OK. The equipment is replaceable, your clients remain loyal and your reputation clean. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" and we encourage your resilience, faith, and determination to keep you balanced, using sound judgment and taking life one day at a time. You will recover! That's the Hettlich way. Wish we were there to give you help in any way. Mary Ann and Greg

Robin    25 September 2008 14:49 | Manchester
Dear Malaika,
The world has many inadequate people. Thankfully none of them are in our family.
You've already taken matters in hand and nothing can stop someone with a good heart and determination.
Go girl, Go!
Alles Liebe,

Maria-Lieselotte Mly    25 September 2008 17:14 | Moers
Liebe Malaika, das, was passiert ist, ist ein großer Schock. Manchmal sind Menschen nicht zu verstehen. Sie wollen einfach nur zerstören.
Aber Du wirst es schaffen, alles wieder aufzubauen. In jedem Ende liegt ein neuer Anfang. Das klingt jetzt völlig überzogen, aber Du weißt, was ich meine.
Wenn Du Hilfe benötigst - und sei es nur zum Aufräumen, melde Dich. Wir werden versuchen zu helfen.
und nun in all diesem Ärger ein Gedicht von Rilke, etwas abgewandelt:
"Du lebst Dein Leben in wachsenden Ringen,
die sich über die Dinge ziehen,
Du wirst den letzten vieleicht nicht vollbringen,
aber versuchen willst Du ihn.

Du kreist um Gott, den uralten Turm,
und Du kreist jahrtausende lang,
und Du weist noch nicht, bist Du ein Falke, ein Sturm
oder ein großer Gesang.

In diesem Sinne

Maria-Lieselotte Mlynek-Kersjes

Jake Grieves-Cook    25 September 2008 17:22 | Nairobi, Kenya
Dear Malaika

I was so sad to hear from Dorise about the mindless vandalism of the clinic.

This must be such a big disappointment for you but I hope you will not be too discouraged and that this unkind action of someone mean and stupid will not deter you from continuing to do something that is good.

I am sure this must be very disheartening and I wanted to send you my best wishes and hope that you will be able to show them that you can pick yourself up and overcome this setback so that good will triumph over evil in the end. In life, when you have a vision that you wish to work to make a difference for other people it is never easy and there will always be difficult times but I am sure you will overcome this disaster and win in the end.

Shân is in England right now and I am in Kenya but I am sure that she will also be thinking of you and wishing you success in recovering from this disappointing turn of events.

With love from


Carlos & Jane    25 September 2008 19:09 | Hong Kong
I am so sorry to hear your news about the break in and vandalism. Please try to stay positive and put this behind you as life has more to offer and you are a wonderful person who will triumph over this evil.

We miss you and wish you well. Can't wait to see you after Xmas.

Claire    25 September 2008 19:10 | Erkrath
Liebe Malaika,
ich habe gerade erfahren, was heute nacht in Kleve passiert ist und bin zutiefst entsetzt! Ich hoffe, dass man (die Kripo oder wer auch immer) die Übeltäter finden wird.
Dir und allen "Mädels" wünsche ich erst mal ganz viel Kraft und Mut bei der Wiederinstandsetzung und drück Euch alle ganz fest!! Wenn ich irgendwas tun kann, lass es mich wissen!
Liebe Grüsse, natürlich auch an Bianca und an Lars,

Jay Shower & Ann Poo    25 September 2008 19:38 | San Diego, CA, USA
Dear Hettlich Family,
We are so sorry to hear about the devastating Vandalism to your clinic. "Experience" is an event that you survive. You all are "Survivors"! So, as tough as it may seem, clean-up and press on with your plans for all the good work you can do for others.
Our Heartfelt feelings goes out to all of you.
Bright skies and fair winds with Best Wishes,
With our love,
Jay and Ann

Carlos Sabugueiro    26 September 2008 05:38 | Hong Kong
Jane, my wife, and I have never met Frank, but we have been fortunate to meet Dorise and Malaika and experience the beautiful spirit they both have and the fond memories they have of times with Frank, with no regrets expressed, merely joy.
You are both such lovely people and we are very excited to see you at Christmas in Somerset West, SA.

Wayne Collins    26 September 2008 08:16 | Texas
Hi Dorise,

My heart goes out to Malaika. In my years in retailing my stores were broken into several times twice with trucks backing through and destroying the front of the store. Not only did they break in for theft but destroyed the front of the business. My anger against vandalism is such I would shoot without hesitation at people destroying just to destroy. Thank goodness there are more people like my friend David Francis and his family that fly and work for MAF on a volunteer basis. Some time look up www.maf.org Sometime after WWII a group of pilots formed Mission Aviation Fellowship as a way for Aviation to help mankind. Knowing the good work that good people do around the world such as Frank’s Heaven always brings me back from my anger at the evil in the world.

I know Malaika will grow stronger overcoming this large bump in her road, she and victims like her are always in my prayers.

Love to all the Hettich Family,


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