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Dorise    24 September 2008 09:01 | Erinvale South Africa
Liebe Malaika,

die letzten Wochen waren so schön, und wir waren alle sehr fröhlich. Das Benefiz-Konzert hat uns mal wieder als Familie "auf die Bühne" gebracht, und trotz aller Widrigkeiten und Hindernisse haben wir es gemeinsam super hingekriegt. Die After-Party hat viele fröhliche Menschen zusammengebracht. Aber:

"Der Teufel hat Angst vor fröhlichen Menschen" (Don Bosco)

Der Schaden ist mit Geld zu bezahlen, wir sind alle gesund, und eine echte Hettlich läßt sich nicht vom Teufel unterkriegen, sie wird nur stärker.

"Think of all the beauty still left around you" (Anne Frank")

Papa und ich denken an Dich und schicken Dir eine Prise Stärke aus Südafrika.

Alles Liebe

Gaby    24 September 2008 09:32 | Magdeburg
Liebe Malaika,
fassungslos stehen wir dem Gelesenen gegenüber. Was ist das Ziel dieser Menschen? Ist es die Wut über euer Engagement, anderen Menschen zu helfen oder ist es Missgunst und Neid?
Mögest du auch aus dieser "Katastrophe" gestärkt hervorgehen und aller Menschheit zeigen: " Die Hettlich's kann man nicht bezwingen, ihnen muss man mit Hochachtung begegnen.
Dir, liebe Dorise, schicke ich, so viele Regentropfen gerade bei uns fallen, so viel Kraft, um Malaika zu helfen.
Mögen sich alle Dinge zum Guten wenden !
Gaby und Albrecht

Aura+Rudy Schats    24 September 2008 12:37 | Erinvale, South Africa
Dear Malaika,

I was shocked when I read your Mother's email about what happened to your dentistry. I am not able to express my feelings as well as Jeanne Bloch did as, actually I am speechless and find it very difficult to find any words that would give U some comfort and help to cope with the trauma such an event has obviously caused.

If it would have happened in Somerset West, or elsewhere in South Africa, many people would immediately say "Typical Blacks, what can U expect?". But this happened in Germany! And if they catch the culprit(s), the court will probably rule that he/she has a mental problem and cannot be held responsible for his/her actions. We do live in a strange world and I for one have become more and more disenchanted with the Human Rights Movements which are steadily degenerating our society into a situation where criminals get away with anything.

I was reminded of this when someone commented on the fact that the Chinese participants in the Olympics opening ceremony had to sign a secrecy agreement that they would not divulge any information about the contents of the ceremony. Punishment: 6 years in jail. This Do-Gooder found this punishment "terrible", typical Chinese, etc. But NOBODY went to jail notwithstanding the financial temptations from various TV stations and other media. To me it was 100 % correct! Make the punishment a true deterrent.

Malaika, I wish you all the strength U need to cope with the trauma this dastardly act must cause U, but don't give the bastards the pleasure of frightening U off. Keep going.

All the very best, Love,
Aura and Rudy

Carolina    24 September 2008 12:46 | Montevideo
Liebe Malaika, es ist total ungaublich was der Neid machen kann... Ich weiss dass wir vor 15 Jahren nicht mehr im Kontakt waren, aber die Besuch deine Eltern hat mir alle Erinnerungen an Kleve wieder gebracht. Ich erinnere mich an eine Malaika sehr "testaruda". :)Weiss ich nicht das Wort auf Deutsch, aber ich meine dass, du voll unermüdlich warst, stopptest nicht bis Du erreicht hattest was Du wolltest. Das kann Dich nicht fallen machen, und was mir ganz hilft ist denken: "Ich kann es mit Geld lösen", selbst wenn ich es nicht sofort lösen kann. Aber wie Dorise gesagt hat, niemand ist verletzt, nur Sachschaden, und Du bist HETTLICH! Fang nochmal an und lass dich nicht fallen!. Viel Kraft für Dich aus Uru-Uru.. Carolina

Claudia    24 September 2008 14:41 | My desk, East London
Liebe Malaika,
I have no clever thoughts or words in the face of the most recent events.
However, to quote from Eric Idle's famous text (can't upload the sound unfortunately):

"Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best...

And...always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the light side of life...

If life seems jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps
Don't be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing.

And...always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the light side of life... "


Antje    24 September 2008 16:47 | Erftstadt
Liebe Malaika,
die Nachricht von den Geschehnissen, die ich heute in der Früh gelesen habe, beschäftigt mich nun den ganzen Tag. Ich bin schockiert, dass sich Menschen zu solcher Niederträchtigkeit hinreißen lassen.
Solche Menschen sehen in ihrem Neid immer nur die Früchte der Arbeit. Wieviel Kraft nötig ist, all diese Dinge zu schaffen, zu erhalten und immer wieder den Mut aufzubringen, wollen sie gar nicht erst erahnen.
Dennoch- die Familie Hettlich und auch die sie umgebenden Menschen haben unendlich viel Herz.
Auch diese Schwierigkeit werdet ihr anpacken. Du ganz besonders. Lass dich nicht entmutigen.
Ich würde mir den Schulterschluss der Klever an dieser Stelle wünschen.
Das wäre eine echte Solidarität.
Liebe Grüße

Janet Randall    24 September 2008 16:55 | Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Dear Malaika,
The news of the break-in was so disturbing. But the one good thing is that no one was hurt (imagine if they had come when people were there!). I hope these creeps are discovered soon. But in the meantime, I know that you have the strength and tenacity to recover from this; you're a Hettlich - always so positive! There is an old idea that surviving adversity makes you stronger. A silver lining in a nasty cloud, but let's hope that this is the last adversity for a while!
All the best, and greetings to your sisters.
love, Janet and Noa Randall

Birgit    24 September 2008 17:37 | Kleve
Liebe Malaika,
wir sollten den Übeltätern Liebe schicken....wennn wir sie ärgern wollen.
Alles wird gut.

Juan van Breda    24 September 2008 22:47 | Somerset West, South Africa
Dear Dorise, Malaika and Bianca (because, gratefully you are at home in Kleve to be of comfort and great assistance to Malaika),
I am so sorry for all of you as you live through the traumatic experience of the needless and destructive vandalism of your very special (because this was so much of Pappa's life) Clinic sometime this past Monday night. This type of thing is so senseless and totally incomprehensible, and will never make any sense to peole who live from a point of bringing love and joy to people, serving and helping in all ways, and making the world a better place for all. As you grapple with trying to understand why this should have happened,and you go through the considerable amont of work that will be required to renovate, re-equip and start back to practice my thoughts are with you. I do hope this proceeds quickly and that you will soon be beside your dental chair treating you patients again Maliaka. I hope the investigations establish who the perpetrators were, not for any other reason that it will help bring a measure of understanding and closure in your own minds, and also remove the concern that these persons are still out there and may do something else. Hard to immagine that Monday two weeks back we were all together in the Clinic, and just a fortnight later its no longer the same. Also, just on Sunday night Malaika and I were discussing how beautiful the Clinic was, and Malaika was saying that it was the way Frank created it. Well, this has to be one of those "potholes" that we sometimes hit in the road of life, and as an ongoing tribute to Frank, and his life's work, you will soon have it all perfectly restored and return to continue the legacy of providing the best in Dental care to your patients. My wishes for lots of strength at this time. Love, Juan

Carol Mather    25 September 2008 08:32 | Toronto, Canada
Dear Dorise:

What sad news. There are crazy people everywhere that can't stand success by those who work hard and accomplish goals. What a shame and I'm sure she will pick herself up and start again perhaps with more security for her building and clinic.

Please wish her my best and continued success with her endeavour.

Fondest regards

Carol Mather

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