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Malaika    17 September 2009 21:10 | Kleve
Lieber Papa,
vor drei Jahren waren wir zwei zusammen auf Juist und haben ein leckeres Eis zusammen gegessen. Eis gab es heute zwar nicht, dafür aber einen leckeren Pflaumenpfannkuchen...und ich denke mal, daß Du der Schmetterling warst, der da ständig gegen die Scheibe vom Wintergarten geflogen ist und der gesagt hat "Hey! Ich will auch ein Stück!"
Ich hab Dich lieb!
Danke, daß Du uns ein gutes Stück unseres Lebens begleitet hast!


Bianca    28 September 2009 16:28 | Columbus
Liebe Claudia,
ich wuensche Dir einen tollen Tag und ein glueckliches und erfolgreiches neues Lebensjahr!
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag -

Fam. Knöcklein    16 Oktober 2009 09:24 | Vrijheit / South Africa
Liebe Doris,
wir waren in Tembe und haben an euch gedacht!
Liebe Grüsse Werner und Co.

2 mal mussten wir mehr als einen Km. rückwärtsfahren, da solche Riesen uns entgegen kamen. Werner

Bianca    29 November 2009 18:31 | Columbus
As I am sitting in my home looking at my christmas decoration I am remembering the many times we have sung to celebrate the beginning of Advent. I don't have candles yet (fortunately the day isn't over) but I have already sung advent songs with my god child Judith via Skype. What a wonderful thing to be able to keep in touch via the internet. I know Mutti will see this in time - and whoever else - happy first advent!

Jeanne    06 Dezember 2009 13:46 | Stellenbosch / SA
Just LOVED your blog on your website dear Dorise -- what a MARVELOUS experience -- I can just imagine what fun it must have been! I think you are sooooooooo lucky to have found a ‘trucker’ who shares the same cultural likes as you do! That in itself is a really great find! WOW!
So there must be more photographs?
Looking forward to seeing you !



Malaika    06 Dezember 2009 21:43 | Kleve
Was ein schöner 2.Advent, zusammen mit Claudia, Robin & Mutti! Mit Sekt und guter Gesellschaft läßt sich auch der verregnetste Tag gut überstehen. :0)

Ingrid    08 Dezember 2009 21:35 | South Africa
Dear Dorise

Thank you very much for this info.

You are really something, my friend. At least you enjoy life to the fullest. Gutsy woman!!!


Tracy+Hans    09 Dezember 2009 08:14 | Emmerich/Germany

You are so cool!!!! I can’t wait to hear EVERYTHING about your trip!! I had no idea that this is what you had planned! We will have to get together when you are back from the US. Our calendar is booked until you leave.

Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the time with your daughter! All the best from the two of us!!

Tracy and Hans

Anni+Josef van Kempe    10 Dezember 2009 09:55 | Bedburg-Hau/Deutschl.
In Materborn in de Kapällenstroot
Steeht Malaika as Tantendoktorin paroot
Sej stieg in Voder sinn groote Schuhn
Die passten gau, än sej hätt vööl to duun
Voder was änne gujjen Doktor, än groote Fachmann dat es wohr
Äwel Malaika steeht ömm kennen Deut noor
Frindlich än mett lechter Hand
Bohrt än flekkt sej jeden Tant
Kiekt nor vöör Malaika än noots märr trökk
Wej Allemol wönschen ouw vööl vööl Glökk

Danke für die gute Behandlung

Anni und Josef van Kempen

Jeanne and the Kylem    10 Dezember 2009 17:14 | Kylemore, South Africa

My dearest Dorise, Claudia, Robin, Bianca and Malaika

On behalf of all of us at Imbali, I would like to thank you personally for
your generous support of the projects that we as Imbali have initiated and
established in the little rural community of Kylemore. These initiatives
mainly benefit the children but it is important to know that our projects
reach only some of those in need in the community.

Our aim is constant in trying to reach all children in poor, malnourished,
and deprived circumstances... and view their well-being in the context of
employable skills for the whole community. The responsiveness of the
community to the opportunities created, has been most rewarding,
responsible, and enthusiastic.

It has been a privilege and a pleasure to add another year to our 'Imbali'
history in this village and we look forward to an even better and more
successful 2010! We are most grateful to you for your support as it makes it
possible to bring nutrition, art education and skills training to
innumerable people who would otherwise certainly not easily meet such
opportunities in their everyday lives.

One of our little art students on our Visual Literacy Project made you an
Angel to bring you our 'Blessings at Christmas Time"

Thank you for caring!

On behalf of Imbali and the Children of Kylemore xx

"Blessings at Christmas Time" our Christmas Card made for you by the
children on the Imbali Visual Literacy Project.

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